Sod Products
Abaco Zoysia
Superior insect & disease resistance, medium textured blade, shade tolerant, dark green color, dense canopy, and drought tolerant.
Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass
Tahoma 31® Bermudagrass is among the most winter-hardy of the improved hybrid bermudagrasses on the market today! With the additional characteristics of both improved wear tolerance and drought resistance, Tahoma 31 is ideally suited for sport turf, golf courses, and high-quality lawns in the Mid-Atlantic & Transition Zone. Through nationwide testing in NTEP, Tahoma 31 excels in key metrics compared to other bermudagrasses including Tifway, TifTuf, and Latitude 36.
EMPIRE zoysia is a medium-bladed, dark green zoysiagrass that features excellent wear tolerance, requires less mowing and chemical applications and is chinch bug resistant. More importantly, EMPIRE Turf allows the water supply to be shut off in severe periods of drought without the danger of permanently harming the lawn. EMPIRE Turf…one lawn…many benefits.
Geo Zoysia
A fine-bladed zoysia with exceptional shade and wear tolerance. Geo is a fine-bladed zoysia variety with many improved features, including herbicide and salinity tolerance. It exhibits minimal thatch and can be mowed with a rotary mower.
Meyer Zoysia
Meyer zoysia is an improved strain of zoysia japonica. It is a single plant selection taken from 50-odd selections of common zoysia japonica grown from seed by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1940. Meyer zoysia’s leaf width is between common zoysia japonica and zoysia matrella. Zoysia is more cold tolerant than practically all other varieties of zoysia. Established turf is quite dense and has a dark green color during the growing season. After first frost, Meyer zoysia turns a brownish yellow or blonde color.
Tifdwarf Bermudagrass
Tifdwarf Bermudagrass has been one of the most popular choices for putting greens for over 40 years. This fine-bladed, dark green hybrid bermudagrass has good rooting capability, is highly adapted to low mowing heights, and provides an excellent putting surface. Relatively simple to manage, Tifdwarf performs well in high heat and heavy traffic. In addition to golf course greens, Tifdwarf is a popular turfgrass choice for bowling greens, tennis courts, and croquet courts.

Common Centipede is one of the most widely used grasses for home lawns in the Southeastern United States. Well suited for low pH soils, common Centipede is a slow growing grass that needs very little fertilizer and handles drought well.
Tifway 419 Bermuda
Tifway 419 is a dense, fine-textured, hybrid Bermuda grass. This warm season turf grass requires full sun, and has a good heat tolerance, wear resistance and will recover quickly if damaged. Although Tifway 419 is an excellent choice for home lawns in northern part of the transition zone between cool and warm season grasses, it is primarily used on golf courses, sport fields, and commercial sites.
Sunday Ultra-Dwarf Bermudagrass
Sunday Ultra-Dwarf Bermuda is Sod Solutions’ first “greens” type grass. Developed by a turf grower and golf course owner, Sunday gives Ultra-Dwarf performance with less maintenance. Sunday can be mowed as low as .008 and provides a very consistent, high quality putting surface. In addition, the color of Sunday is monolithic providing a highly aesthetic green.